Well I feel like you can't move on unless things have been chronologically placed in their right order. It's like messin' with the flow of things is something I just can't do. (it's an OCD thing I swear!)
I like organization and I feel like things make more sense when everything missed finds it's right spot on the time table of life!
So this is my recap! Here are the things that were missed while I was taking my break the last few months of 201o...
The wonderful and ruggidly handsome Mr. Appleberry and I celebrated 4 years of marriage on October 28th, 2010.
We went from this....

To this, in four years...

I would love to dote all about him... but for time and space reasons, go check out this post! I am one lucky and blessed lady! :)
This little guy was born into the world and added to our group of friends & babies.
Mr. Isaac Olson...
Ms. Greta started using the potty! Not all the time... I mean I wouldn't call her potty trained by no means. But she is getting it! And she's not scared of the potty anymore... so clearly we are moving in the right direction!
We celebrated another Halloween...

Mommy & her princess fairy...

Daddy & his little hunting buddy...

This guy, my bro in law, Branden won his political race for his area of Andover and is now a Congressman!!!

He was sworn in at the Capitol just this week...

And while I have this picture up... that's my sister Jes, 37 weeks pregnant! Remember this post?! Baby Paisley Jayne Petersen will be here ANY day now!
Loren went hunting in Orr, MN and got his first Minnesotan deer! Pretty excting for him... a little squeemish-like for me! No picture needed here... I don't like to most pictures of slaughtering animals... it's just cruel!
But he had fun and was super proud and excited... so that makes me super proud and excited!
We had a November sale at Louise's Basement...
Spent some relaxing time in Butler, Missouri for Thanksgiving weekend...
And most recently just enjoyed a very blessed and amazing Christmas!Oh, and did I forget to mention, Loren grew a beard! And yeah, it's still with us. Looks like the beard may be around for awhile! - We'll see... I've got a birthday coming up! ;)
And last but certainly not least on events to catch up on... is our sweet baby Greta, who just turned THREE last week!
This was such a milestone for our family and our little girl that I want to do her justice and devote a whole post to my favorite girl in the world!
So stay tuned for that!
Otherwise, there ya' have it! I think everyone should be caught up to speed and more importantly... everything flows and is placed nicely on the time table of events!
I am so glad to be back and look forward to keeping up with a couple posts a week!
For now you are caught up to speed and my OCD can be layed to rest! lol
Hope you're all having a great week!
Chat later,
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