Or as my babes like to call her... The Robot! They talk to her in this silly voice and thinks she came from "Infinity" - you know like "To Infinity and Beyond!" from Buzz Lightyear! haha!
Anyways, Pam is awesome and she comes to us from the Planet Craigslist!
She was bought for a mere $50.00 with the sole purpose of projecting words and images onto old pieces of wood so I can make signs!
Before Pam (B.P.) Loren and I would have to make stencils out of thick card stock or print something off the computer and cut it out with an exacto knife.
But not anymore!
Pam lets us project whatever we want right onto the wood! Then all we have to do is trace it, paint it, sand it, and Viola!!!
We get this... (click on any of these pictures to enlarge them, it's worth it!)
Thee most gorgeous looking, hand painted, signs you have EVER seen!!!
The details, designs, and sanding is where Pam leaves off and we come in... and seriously, look at how wonderful these turned out!

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