Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Baby #3 Might Have Just Saved Me...

A couple weeks back I got some scary news that a few tests (blood and other) came back a little questionable.
My white blood count was lower than normal and so they turned to some other tests to see what the deal was?!
After a couple other tests and swabs, they had learned that I had some abnormal cell growth and changes happening. So my cells and their growth were carefully watched until they were labeled Atypical squamous cells with a high grade lesion... or I think my chart was labeled ASC-H/LSIL.
(whatever all that medical mum-bo-jumbo means?!)
What is scary about this is that this growth is more likely to be caused by a precancerous change.

So, from here I will try my best to document what the Doctor has told me...With the abnormal cell growth, test results, and white blood counts I was then scheduled for a test called a Colposcopy. - which in short... is not fun.

The Colposcopy was done to look at my cervix and determine if this precancerous cell growth was causing any abnormal growths, polyps, or lesions.
Up until yesterday morning we had hoped that when the Doctor got in there she would find nothing.
However, at the time of the test she did find one concerning area.

She said that if I was not pregnant she would have immediately biopsied the area for again... more testing.
But since I am pregnant we had to come up with a new plan.
And the new plan states....

Since I am pregnant and they have identified a precancerous area they will now begin to monitor me every time I go in and am seen for baby.
So at every visit I will have a blood draw.
Blood is like the road map to your body and so if something is wrong, different, or growing in me that should not be... my blood will trigger that!

Then, at the time when I enter my third trimester, the Doctor will go in yet again to look at my cervix... visually making sure this one precancerous area has not grown, changed, or multiplied.
Really the goal from there she said is to just get you to a full and healthy delivery!

After Baby #3 makes his or her arrival, I will then go back in 6 weeks later for a third and hopefully final Colposcopy.
At that time the Doctor will yet again, identify the precancerous area, biopsy it, and hopefully at that time make the call to either burn, freeze, or cut the area out. - Yikes!

After more tests come back my precancerous area will then be given a "level" or "stage." 
If it is low level precancerous then by just removing it we will have done the job!
However, the Doctor said worse case scenario if it is high level then we may have to talk about a couple other options, like more tests, removing more or all of the area, or a couple rounds of chemo/radiation to make sure anything left is done, killed, and taken care of. - But again, the Doctor assured me this is worst case scenario.

So, WOW!
Talk about a roller coaster ride of scary, nervous, emotions!
We have every reason to believe that this is not a big threat and that me and baby will be completely fine and healthy when this is all said and done!

The Doctor said something yesterday after my test that really hit me.
She said "you may want to be awfully thankful to this little baby!"
"If it wasn't for this baby and you being pregnant we probably would not have been doing all these tests and blood draws that triggered something was wrong with you in the first place."
"After all, there are no real symptoms early on for cervical cancer"

Again, WOW!
If I wasn't pregnant I don't know when I would have gone in or if and when this would have been caught.
It may be nothing, or it may be something...
Either way I think the Doctor said it best!

I think Baby #3 might have just saved me?!

*I promise to document and keep you posted as to how everything is going.
But I just have a really good sense of peace that all will be well and baby and I will be just fine!
After all... my God is the God who provides!
And I am believing He will provide me with health and healing.

Thanks to those who have been praying for me and baby... keep it up!

Chat later,


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Babes Say...

This morning while I was in the shower the babes came in to brush their teeth - the beauty of only having one bathroom in your house.

After Greta turned on the sink she said
"Are you ok Momma?"
As I felt the water temp turn a little warmer I said "Yeah, I'm fine honey."
And she said "Ok, I didn't want to burn the baby!"

Tuck chimes in "You can't burn the baby, it is safe in Momma's tummy Greta!"
Then he turns in the direction of the shower and says "If you need a band aid for your tummy I can get you my Cars ones when you get out?!"

To which I reassured them both that the water wasn't too hot, Mommy was fine, baby was fine, and I did not need a Cars Band Aid at that time.
But I thanked them both for caring so much. :)

Sometimes those little stinkers surprise me!
They are cute, clever, and in those moments I love them just a bit more.

Happy Wednesday Everyone!
Hope you all are having a good week.

Chat later,


Oh and remember these conversations?!......
This one still makes me laugh!
This one just makes me smile!
This one can sometimes make me cry.
And boy was this conversation unexpected!

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 4th Weekend Update!

We've been back from vacation for a week and I just now feel like I am gettin' back into the swing of our routine!
Guess this ol' pregnant girl isn't as full of energy as I used to be! :)

Like most of you know, we headed back to Missouri for our annual 4th of July trip!
And this year we were back home for just about 5 days! - one of our longest trips to date.
The 8+ hour car drive is never fun... especially now with 2 dogs and 2 potty trained (training) kids... but we always seem to make it and when the kids get there them and us both are happy to have survived the car ride and are ready to spend time with their cousins!

Although it was scorching HOT while we were back in Butler, we still had lots of fun and found things to keep us cool!

I'm pretty sure all the kids were in the pool at least once every day!

And Grandpa of course had to play too!

We also went fishin'!

Well we fished for awhile and then the kids wanted to play in the lake a bit...

We made sure to hit up the local fun spots, like the new Super Walmart and Koehn's Bakery!
The babes love the doughnut holes but I say they make the best apple fritters ever!

And, just like we promised, we made sure to have Sonic Slushies every day, per Tuck's request of "fun things to do on our vacation!"

And of course... we had tons of firework fun on the actual 4th!

Even though it's a little late... I hope you all had a great 4th of July!
We had a fun time but are happy to be back home and gettin' back to the swing of things!

*Oh, and last week when we got home I had an appointment to check on baby #3, and it looks as though all is happy, healthy, and well!
I am already in my 2nd trimester... woohoo... this is going fast!
(well kind of) :)

Hope to chat more this week...
Chat later,


Here is last years 4th of July post!

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