1.) I found this new site called Food Gawker... and I love, love, LOVE it!
This site surfs other blogs and compiles tons and tons of wonderful recipes right onto one site! They pretty much do all the hard work for you!
It makes finding a recipe or something to make so, so, easy! It is like flipping through a magazine or recipe box full of pictures! All you have to do is a find a mouth watering picture of "Pink Velvet Whoopi Pies" or "Iced Coffee" or "Zucchini Fries" or "Cappuccino Brownies" or "Long Boy Burgers" or "Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies!" ... oh my GOSH, somebody stop me!
.... anyways, find a picture of a recipe you like, click on it, and it brings you directly to that blog with that recipe! Genius!!!
2.) My husband has baby fever! Yes, you read that right! Not me... but him!
Most husbands don't really get baby fever. Most husbands are the ones telling their wives "No more babies!" or "Are you sure?" But not my hubby. He loves babies and mostly everything about them!
I say this is a recent discovery because you should have seen him last night as he finally got to hold his brand new niece Paisley. He had this smile and this look in his eye that quietly whispered to me... "I want this." "I want another baby."
Well just see for yourself!

That's it! That's all I've got today!
Hope you guys are having a great week!
I am looking forward to a wonderful, work FREE weekend!
Then next week... someone is celebrating a big birthday! That someone might just be ME! :)
Woo Hoo!
Chat later,
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