Meet the newest member of the Petersen Family...

Ms. Paisley Jayne Petersen!
Born on Sunday, January 23rd at 6:24 pm.
This girl was no small baby! She weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches long - I know what you're thinkin' and holy smokes is right!!!
But boy is she a cutie and absolutely perfect!!!
Paisley is actually my 4th little niece (Loren's sister has 3 little girls!) but she is my first blood niece on my families side and I could not be more excited for her arrival!
She is the newest addition to our family and I'll tell ya' what's the most strange... is to think that my little sister is now a Mom!

My sister Jes was your usual little sister... clingly, tagged along, stole my stuff, wanted to do everything I wanted to do, kind of little sister! But as we have gotten older, Jes and I have really formed a wonderful, grown up connection! As our lives have evolved and changed, so has our relationship as sisters.

She is even our nanny and one of the main care givers to my children! So needless to say I absolutely love her guts and think very highly of her!
With that being said... yesterday, January 23rd, was a big day for us! A monumental day in our lives and I am so proud of my sister!
Jes was such a champ during labor and delivery! At one point her nurse came out to update us and said "I have never met a Mom with such determination! She is doing everything we ask of her! She just keeps pushing and pushing and won't give up!"
I'll have to admit... I totally got a little teary eyed as I stood their with our Mom and had a "big sister" moment! I couldn't help but smile and think.... "That's my sister."

I am so excited to get my hands on this little girl and hold her - and rock her - and love her - and smother her with kisses! It is going to be so much fun having her in our lives and in our family!
Dear Paisley,

Branden,I can't help but smile at the fact that you are a Dad! I have seen you grow and change as you have been in our family and I can't imagine our family with out you! You will find your groove and become an amazing Daddy!
Jes,Words could never express how much I love you! I am so, so proud of you! You did it... you survived a labor and delivery! You are one tough cookie! I am praying for a quick and easy recovery! Before you know it we will be running around town together having play dates... both as Mommy's!
In case I don't say it enough...
I am so blessed to call you my sister!
In case I don't say it enough...
I am so blessed to call you my sister!

And with out further a do, Ms. Paisley Petersen!

Congratulations Jes and Branden!!!
Here's to the start of a new life and even better things to come!
Chat later,
*If you want more background on baby Paisley... check out this post! I'm sure you'll remember how fun that day was!
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