I'm back... again! lol
I know, I said I wouldn't be gone so long last time but boy do life and things just get in the way of my blogging! Geez!
What's a girl gotta do to find some time to sit down at the computer and write huh?!
Well, I will tell you of all the wonderful things that got in the way while I was taking my little break...
Baking Banana Bread with my favorite girl...
Since I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in the grown up world... that only leaves me Thurday thru Sunday to be home with the babes. And since baking is one of my passions and I want to instill that into my daughter... this is why I make time to bake!
And it just so happens that whenever I get super stressed or anxious I have this obnoxious need, desire, sickness (whatever you want to call it) to BAKE! I know... crazy right!
I didn't get this curvy exercising when I get stressed out!
So I spent some time baking and being with the babes the last two weeks.
I also was getting ready and coordinatig outfits for our big family photo shoot! Remember last year when I was getting ready for our FIRST family photo shoot? - To see our pictures from last year you can check out our post on the lovely Jessica Smith's blog here. And I talk a little more about how great Jessica is here. -
Well I was doing the same thing this year. However, this time instead of a photo shoot with just my little family we did a huge shoot with my whole entire family! Like Mom, Dad, siblings, etc. I am sooooo excited and anxious to see the finished product I can hardly stand it! Here in about a week we should be able to get a sneak peek on Jessica Smiths Blog. I am totally like a little kid before Christmas morning... just giddy and consumed with excitement! I will keep checking and definitely let you know as soon as I see the post!
Here are a couple pictures I snapped at home before we left for the professional to do her job! (Tuck was still grabbin' a little beauty sleep!)
I also was cleaning, prepping, and getting ready for our second batch of house guests. The Appleberry's were in town last time we chatted... which was about 2 weeks ago. And then just this past weekend, for Labor Day, The Nelson's (which is my hubby's sister) were in town!
We had a great weekend hanging out with Tracy, Joe, and their 3 girls!

- All 5 Appleberry Grandbabes! -
While they were here in Minnesota we got to do a little crafting...

Have icecream sundaes!
And the best part of the whole weekend.... we got to go to the Minnesota State Fair!
The Nelson's had never seen so much fried food on a stick!

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