I had tons of fun stuff planned for him and it turned out to be such a great week!
My goal was to make him feel extra special and I think that was accomplished!
He was treated to Chipotle waiting in the fridge the night I worked, His favorite homemade meatball subs for his Birthday dinner, A gift and special surprise from the babes, a great Date Night with his hot wife, and 2 family get togethers!
So all in all, I think I pulled it off! Loren was treated like a king for a whole week!
And not to mention, his parents are even coming in from Missouri tomorrow night! So he gets to spend a little birthday time with his Ma and Pa! Boy, is he spoiled or what?!
Well, never the less, he totally deserves it!
Here is a photo recap of Loren's little birthday get together! ......

And yesterday we celebrated multiple family birthday's at one of our big "Cooper Family Get Togethers" ... beside Loren, a few others on the list were Ms. Joanna Talso, Greta's all time favorite best friend!

... and this little babe! Ms. Addison Smethurst turned ONE year old! - Here's a whole post on the day she came into our world!
See, it was a really great week!
Now we have a busy but great week ahead with Loren's Mom and Dad coming into town. Hopefully I'll get some relaxing in along with the start of a great season of T.V. shows! Should be fun!
Ohhh, and before I forget.......
I would also like to mention, some of the ideas I got for little gifts or surprises for Loren's Birthday Week came from 2 different resources....
#1 - A blog I recently found and totally love called The Dating Divas. These girls really know how to love their husbands and make marriage fun!
#2 - A website called Hot Date Ideas! The site is full of ideas, themes, gifts, etc. You name it, they got it! It's a great resource to have and look up when you are about to plan a date! I should throw out a little disclaimer and mention that some of the things listed are a tad risque' and are things that may definitely make your mother blush! So not all of the things were up my alley, but still... tons of other great ideas worth giving a try!
Hope you all are having a great Monday and don't forget to make your hubby feel appreciated, even if it's not his birthday!
Or let's be honest... maybe you need to feel appreciated and should print off some of this stuff and casually leave it lay where he can see it! ;)
Chat later,
Thanks for the kind words Jen, I'm glad you found some useful stuff on Hot Date Ideas. Some stuff may be a little risque, but hey, it's not your momma's site! ;)