So for the sake of documenting things right, or making up for lost time, or whatever! Here is the last 6 -7 months in a quick nutshell.
Let's see what we missed....
A Halloween.

And an Easter.

Also, everybody in our house had a Birthday, except Loren!
Mr. Tuck - our adorable, smiley boy turned ONE!

Ms. Greta - Our sweet baby girl turned TWO!

Walter George - our beloved, snuggly, first son turned THREE!

And I guess it has to be mentioned that I turned yet another year older.... and hit the big two 7!

In other big family news... my sister Jessica got married!
Her and Branden's wedding really was the most beautiful day!!! And if that wasn't enough exciting news involving them.... they shared with us just a couple weeks ago that they are going to have a baby!!! So, come December of this year we will have a new addition to our family!

I need to mention that the last three pictures were taken by the wedding photographer, Jessica Smith. Her work is completely amazing! She did our family pictures as well! If anyone in the area is looking for a photographer, she is the girl to use! Go check out her blog here.
And one of my other sisters, Justine, graduated from Highschool! We just had her open house last weekend! It was so much fun!
And on top of all of that we helped welcomed some new babies into our cirlce of friends, while others announced they were expecting! Loren and I lost a little bit of weight, and we finally finished painting our kitchen cabinets.
Besides all of that I am sure there were about a hundred little milestones that were met, like.... Greta became a chatter bug and is constantly talking. Tuck started crawling and is now just days away from walking, so we think! (cross your fingers!) Oh yes, and Loren and I celebrated 3 wonderful years of marriage.
Wow, that was a big, event filled half a year! - Sorry I took a leave of abstance and missed so much! But I feel so much better now that we are caught up... don't you?!
Chat later,
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