Oh my gosh!
Be still my heart!
This is the cutest little clumping of pictures I have ever seen!
Remember how I blab on and on about snatchin' up old chunky frames?!
Well these beauties came from the Goodwill for $1.50 a piece!
After seeing all three of them lay around the house for a bit... I decided it was time we put something in them!
So I slapped a 2 coats of black on them and WOW! What a difference a little paint makes! (Actually I think that was another title to an old post... ah yes, here.)
After the black paint came the question "what to put in them?" And since bird are simple, elegant, and all the rage right now... I decided birds it was.
I went over to the Graphic Fairy and searched around for bird clip art! - Oh my goodness you all, she has some of the best printable clip art! You could spend easily an hour just looking a all she has to print off!
Anyways, printed off what I wanted, then found some coordinating scrapbook paper.
After cutting out the clip art and scrapbook paper... well the rest is history! I just put it all together and Viola!
I am soooo in LOVE!

Who knew roughed up and chunky could look so good! Haha, I couldn't resist... sorry! :)
There ya have it! A wonderful and successful afternoon crafting!
Ah, crap! I forgot to do the dishes and start a load of laundry.
Oh well, maybe I'll be a better housewife tomorrow!
Chat later,
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