Well hip hip hooray for 100 posts!
It has taken me a little while to work up to that mark but I am so excited that I have a mix of 100 tidbits, memories, letters to my babes, recipes, crafts, and random things all documented! - too fun!
That is the main reason I love to blog!
Anyways.... onto Valentine's Day!
So today is of course a big commercialized holiday all about love! And although some don't like it or some don't care... it is still a day about love... and in my opinion love is something to be celebrated big or small!
So, you all know this guy and how totally smitten I am with him....
I really don't want to brag or go mushy on you... you all know how I feel about him! lol
(but if you're looking for a little somethin' lovey dovey to read, you can check out this post, which was one of my favs!)
No Loren and I don't do huge Valentine's Day things.... of course we did when we were younger and had all the free time and money in the world! ... since those days we have had children and life set in. So all though we don't do a big "ta-do" we like to atleast do a little something special to make sure one another knows they are loved.
I also like to celebrate Valentine's Day with my babes! I think it is fun to let the kids in on some little traditions so that they can share in the fun of celebrating love!
With that being said, we all as a family baked up a little Valentine's Day treat over the weekend and that is what I wanted to share on today's post!
I have loved a blog called Bakerella for awhile now and can remember way back in the day when she whipped up a recipe and called them Cake Balls! Well now she is a big time famous blogger with a book... called Cake Pops and my mother in law just happened to buy it for me for my birthday!
So over the weekend that is the treat we set out to make!
(if you want the recipe... here is the one that I roughly followed.)
I started out with these general ingredients & my new book of course! ....

It is a bummer that Valentine's Day falls on a Monday this year... my most busy with work and all... but I still wanted to make and do a little something special!
The main goal is that I hope that my hubby and wonderful babes know just how much they are loved!
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Those are soooo cute and look soooo yummy too!!!!