This is BIG, HUGE, I mean Big Big, Super BIG!
Remember a
couple posts ago when I was doing all that stress baking and talking about a new endeavour that presented it's self to Loren and I, a new adventure that we have decided to take on?!
Well, it's all coming together and we are finally ready to share it with everyone!
(gosh, I'll bet half of you are thinking I am pregnant right now! Ha.... Wrong, I am NOT!)
Loren and I have been asked to become part of a brand new shop called Louise's Basement!
The Basement is going to be an occasional marketplace very similar to the shops at Buffalo!
Louise's Basement will be open only 4 days a month and it will focus on vintage furnishings along with tons of fun, shabby chic, cottagey, household items.
We have been asked (by Kelly, the owner and most delightful lady) to join her team of vendors and start crafting and selling all our little projects! So our love of crafting and woodworking is no longer a hobby but is actually taking flight and becoming a little side business!
I could not be more thrilled and excited for this new chapter in life! My Dream... my baby... is finally coming true!
For those of you that know me, you know I have loved doing this kind of stuff since I can remember!
Literally, it goes way back!
......way back to painting signs at the table of our old apartment before I was married.... or when other girls were partying or chasing boys I was one of the girls sewing pajama pants in Michelle Denyes's basement when I was in high school.... or digging through her mom's stash of fabric and making pillows with Adriann way back in middle school!
I have always held onto the vision or dream of one day opening up my own little store, our own little store. A store where I can make and sell the things I love most for my home! Hence where the name Appleberry's Attic got it's start!
I feel like this is our first baby step! A step in the direction of really trying to make something of this!
Oh - and I couldn't be more blessed than to have married Loren! Not only did he grace me with thee most perfect last name for a one day business like this... but he is so talented and more then hands on when it comes to wood working, building, and whipping out projects and little "diddy's" to sell!
Ahhhh, I am just bouncing up and down with excitement! And not too mention some nerves! I mean really.... what if I am not good enough, what if my stuff doesn't sell, what if I can't keep up?! This is the other half of the excitement that keeps me awake at night! But I think these are totally realistic fears right?!
Oh but who cares... the excitement of actually doing this is soooo much more!
So there ya' have it!
Now you are in the know! Appleberry's Attic the business, not just the blog side, is actually taking off!
I would be so honored and excited if those of you girls that live in my area would stop out and check out the new shop! The Grand Opening of Louise's Basement is going to be the second weekend in October.... Thursday, October 7th - Sunday the 10th.
If you want to learn more about the shop or get hours and the address, check out the
facebook page for all the details!
Wanna sneak peek of what we've been making?

Oh, and check out our business cards! Don't we look all fancy and professional?!?!
(sorry, white out areas for safety purposes)So, there it is, just a little peek at some of the stuff or the kinds of things you will find at Louise's Basement!
This is going to be sooooo fun!
Just excuse me if I've been a little tired and fussy lately, or if you see me and I have paint in my hair, spray paint on my thumb, a hot glue burn on my arm, or frosting on my lips!
- we've already covered my stress induced need for sweets.
Oh, and I'd like to give a quick shout out to my friend Shannon!
Shannon, if you would have never thought of me and mentioned my name I would not be apart of this! So thank you!
Now go check out that facebook page and I hope to see all you girls at the Grand Opening!
Chat later,