I feel like I am a little late this year when it comes to putting up all of our Fall/Halloween decor!
Could be all the house guests or painting, or projects, or just kids maybe?!
Anyways the bug bit me yesterday since I was home with the babes and I thought,
"Let's get those bins out and get this crap done with!"
I did some with the babes before they went down for their naps since they love to be helpers! However, (bless their little souls) I did the majority of it after they went to sleep! But they got to set up the lights and the pumpkins and the cool stuff!
So, in case you girls haven't done any Fall/Halloween decorating.... I thought I might give you some inspiration or a nudge to go get some decorating done!
Big or small, expensive or cheap... a lot of this stuff can be whipped out on the DL (down low!) and make your home look "oh-so-cozy" for Fall -OR- "oh-so-spooky" for Halloween!!!

New little runner on the Coffee Table and anything apple is Fall to me as well. You don't have to fill your house with pumpkins to get the fall feel!
Anyone that has been to my house is starting to see that this stuff is not new or not always considered fall and that is an important key.... just shop your house girls! Move things around from spot to spot or room to room. It will give new life to an old favorite. - I say that because these green apples were on a totally different table.
By the way, these little ceramic glazed pumpkins you are seeing... $1 at the Dollar Store!
I know, don't you want some?! Hand painted by my hubby! It was supposed to be for the new shop... but... whoops! Oh well!
I couldn't let a hand painted one of a kind piece like this go to some stranger! lol I made this... and yeah, so can you! Do you see what it's made of? Popsicle sticks! - See you can do this! ;)
In a pinch for something Fall-ish to fill a big space or vase? Go run outsid with the kids and bring a little nature in! Nothing says Fall like a big ol' bunch of leaves!
Ok, so the majority of my house has Fall stuff, which I totally believe works for Halloween as well! But you really do need that one area where you can go all out for Halloween. I wasn't about to have skulls, mummies, jack-o-lanterns, and such, all over my house... so my kitchen hutch proved to be the best spot to set up and dedicate to all things Halloween!
Here is what my hutch looks like on any given regular day...

Yeah again, this sign was made and supposed to go to Louise's Basement but it fit so well right there on that shelf! It's as if it said in a low, sad, pitiful voice... "Jen would you please just keep me in your warm and lovely home?!" "I like it here and don't want to be sold at the shop!"
Ok, well it didn't say that but clearly I am trying to make myself feel better for keeping two, yes TWO, items we made for the shop and not for us! Oh well, all work and no play makes me a sad girl... so a couple little ditty's for me is always needed! :)
Anyways, there ya' have it!
A little Fall/Halloween Decor!
We decorated the front door as well and it looks super darling, but there is just one more thing to be put out before I post pics. - Maybe I'll get it done this weekend and post pics later.
Hope you all have a little seasonal decor up at your house and if not... start making a little somethin' somethin' or atleast hit up the dollar section at Target! They have some of the cutest stuff out on the cheap!
Happy Fall and Happy Decorating!
Chat later,
Super, super Cute!