Ding, Ding, Ding!
Ring the bell, sound the buzzer, drop your paint brushes, and put your hands up!
Well folks, this is it! I am dropping off my last and final load of goodies for the
Ring the bell, sound the buzzer, drop your paint brushes, and put your hands up!
Well folks, this is it! I am dropping off my last and final load of goodies for the
Grand Opening of Louise's Basement!!!
What's done is done, right?!
Although I can't help but feel like I should have done more, or I could have worked harder, or what if I could just paint faster!!! - All legit feelings I am sure. But as a rookie and new vendor I can't help but feel like... "I hope this is enough!"
Anyone who knows me will know that one of my life motto's is...
"Go BIG, or Go Home!"
What's done is done, right?!
Although I can't help but feel like I should have done more, or I could have worked harder, or what if I could just paint faster!!! - All legit feelings I am sure. But as a rookie and new vendor I can't help but feel like... "I hope this is enough!"
Anyone who knows me will know that one of my life motto's is...
"Go BIG, or Go Home!"
It really spreads to so many areas of life! To my hair, my gatherings, my buffets of food, etc.
So I am really hoping I lived up to my own standard and lived BIG! That I produced a BIG amount of goodies for you and other ladies to enjoy!
So, with all that rambling and vent session behind me....
Here is the last sneak peak of stuff I am bringing up to the store tonight!
So I am really hoping I lived up to my own standard and lived BIG! That I produced a BIG amount of goodies for you and other ladies to enjoy!
So, with all that rambling and vent session behind me....
Here is the last sneak peak of stuff I am bringing up to the store tonight!
My stuffed pumpkins/apples...

And that's about it!
Ohhh, I am so nervous and excited all in one breath! I feel like I could puke or pee my pants at any moment! lol - ok, maybe that was a bit much!
But you get it right?! You get how exciting this is but also how nerve racking selling your goods can be!
Cross your fingers and say a little prayer for Appleberry's Attic!
Pray that we do well, our stuff sells, and that people love us and the new store we are apart of!
And while you are doing that....
I will be praying that you come out to visit me at Louise's Basement on Saturday!
I'll be there from 10 - 4.
Wish us luck!
Hope to see you there.
Chat later,
I LOVE The "S" and Black church pew, add a cute fabric cushion and how nice would that look! =-)