Hi guys!
Sorry I have been away for about a week! The break was much needed though. I had quite the busy week last week. I had my in laws in town and both of our babes were dedicated at our church on Saturday!
So with all of that going on I had a bunch of prep work to do during the week leading up to the weekend.
Tuesday and Wednesday were cleaning and laundry at night. Mind you all of this was done after 9 pm when the kids were finally in bed and Loren was off fishin'.

Thursday was actually a nice relaxing day. My sister Justine is headed off to college so all of us girls in the family got together for a little luncheon.

Friday was a TON of cooking mixed with some last minute cleaning. Me and the babes hit the grocery store in the morning and then once they were down for a nap I whipped out 2 giant pans of lasagna. Later that night after they were in bed my wonderful hubby finished up the cleaning while I spent the night in the kitchen baking some homemade pies! - 2 apple and 1 blueberry. Nothing like baking to relax my soul! It was nice.

Saturday morning I headed off to work for a couple hours and the in laws got into town. Then later that night was the dedication.
We were so excited to dedicated both our babes in front some of our closes friends and family. Our church has made such a difference in our lives and our relationship with God. We are so thankful and blessed that we found a church like Eaglebrook and we knew that dedicating our children was just one of those things we wanted to do and share because of Eaglebrook.
So Saturday night in front of the congregation we were one of 12 families that dedicated their babes to the Lord that day! And it was a great feeling!

After the dedication service the whole fam headed back to our house to celebrate with a big home cooked meal!
Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Caesar Salad, Pie and Ice cream were on the menu!
And the babes even got a couple gifts!
But Greta, she wouldn't eat until she got to open her presents. It's as if presents just call out that child's name! She loves presents!
Later that night, around 11:00, all the excitement of the party finally wore off and Greta (along with her Grandpa) finally fell asleep.
We really did have a super great night! Nothing like a house full of family to celebrate a wonderful day! We feel blessed to raise our children in such a big, loving, family.
So now that my busy week of cooking and cleaning and parties is done... I am hoping to relax a little more this week and most likely let the house go! lol
Well put it this way... no toilets will be scrubbed and no dinners will be made for the next couple of days! This Momma needs a break!
Hope you all had a great week/weekend as well!
Chat soon, (I promise)