Here is the story of Tuck's room... or lack there of...
You see, when Tuck came home from the hospital his sister Greta was only 15 months old and still sleeping in our one and only crib in the one and only room right across the hall from ours. So, little Tuck slept nicely in a bassinet snuggled right in Mommy and Daddy's room. That is until I heard babies slept better and started sleeping through the night faster if they weren't in Mommy and Daddy's room... but a room nice and quiet and all to there own.
Once I heard that we scrambled to make the transition!
Greta would move down to the other side of the house where we had another 2 bedrooms. She would have to give up her crib for her baby brother and make the quick transition to a big girl bed! And needless to say... after a couple nights of tears (from Greta & Mommy)...the transition happened. She started sleeping in an actual twin size bed and her new big girl room was painted a soft pink (thanks to the help of our friend Jonathan!) with an eclectic mix of white shabby chic furniture with accents of robins egg blue. It was and still is, beautiful. I remember thinking how little my baby girl looked in such a giant twin size bed! But, I was so happy my first baby had a new room all to her own. I mean after all she deserved it right?! ... giving up her room, her crib, her comfort... all for the sake of this new baby she never asked for!
So, back to Tuck... my little 4 week old peanut... he made the move into Greta's old room.
I took down the soft white curtains and the pink valances, changed the crib bedding, and got rid of any trace of pink! After that was done I thought about painting the light green walls to a tan... but that just seemed like a lot of work! I mean I wasn't getting any sleep because of this new hungry baby who was up all night and by day I was wrangling my 16 month old!
So, for the time being I hung some of Tuck's new room decor on the existing nails and called it a day... of course with the plans that as soon as he was sleeping through the night I would have the energy to do his room!
HA! Fast forward to last Sunday, August 1st - Tuck is now 15 months old!
I said enough is enough! I couldn't take it anymore! The whole "schlept" together boy room just wasn't cuttin' it anymore. So, we went ahead and went for it!
With a day off (hallelujah!), a FREE gallon of tanish/khaki paint (thanks Jes & B) and a years worth of camping-hunting-fishing-outdoorsy type decor stored in boxes... Loren and I were set to go!
We put the kids down for their naps - Tuck in a pack-n-play in our room - and we QUICKLY got down to business!
Here are the pictures to tell the story and show off Tuck's new, big boy, room!!!
(sorry no true before pictures... I was too excited and didn't think of that - bummer!)
It all started by testing the paint on the wall to make sure the color was right....

And it was! So while Mr. Appleberry did all the cutting in, I did the rolling...

After a ton of hours painting, my fam stopping by to hang out, Greta wanting to play house, and plenty of snacks to keep the babes busy...

At 2:00am the room was finally ready! (and we were ready for bed!)
Go ahead, step in and take a look!

As I mentioned earlier, we were going for this camping-hunting-fishing-outdoorsy type theme. Very boy... very much like his Daddy.
Here are some of the details...

My very talented and crafty hubby whipped together this authenticly rustic display of horns around midnight... and I LOVE it! I think it might just be one of my favorite parts of the room!
The Fisherman's Prayer! Too cute and found at my favorite store for .49 cents... The Goodwill!
And this shelf... oh how I love it and how it displays all this cuteness! ... I mean manliness! lol

It turned out beyond cute and I am so pleased that it is finally done!!! Tuck definitely notices that something is different. Every time he is in there he points to all his new things and makes the cutest "fake" talking/grunting noises!
I think he likes it!
Finally, a room to call his own!
A room so cute it is worthy of the little boy who sleeps peacefully and dreams all his big dreams in there.
This one's for you Tuck! We love ya!
Chat later,
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