Friday, August 6, 2010

Things That Make Me Happy...

.... Babes that wake up from their naps happy!
Well atleast one of them woke up happy! - G seemed to "need a minute!"

Ahhh, nap times make this Mommy feel refreshed!
Although lately it seems as though we are going through a stage with Mr. Tuck.
All he wants to do is be held... but not just held by any ole' person! He wants to be held by yours truly... ME! Constantly!

Now that he is walking he is quite the handful. He likes to get into things and cause more trouble... but this constant holding thing is wearing me down!

I guess I shouldn't be complaining! If anything I should feel flattered right?! I have a wonderful, healthy, little boy that loves me to no end! However, sometimes this Momma just needs a break.

Oh well, just like every other stage.... this season in our lives will pass and Tuck will hopefully grow out of this funk! - Till then, I better start lifting weights to bulk up my arms! This child is by no means "tiny" for his age!

Tuck, if your Daddy is reading this to you....

Mommy loves you but at some points during the day I am going to have to put you down. There are meals to be made and underwear to fold! Oh, and every now and then Mommy needs a potty break! - And no I will not hold you on my lap while I am going potty!

But never the less... I love you ... you little stinker!
Any of you Momma's go through a stage like this? Got any tips, tricks, words of advice or encouragment? Let me know!

Now if you'll excuse me.... I have a hot date tonight with the insanely handsome Mr. Appleberry!

Chat later,


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