Any of you gals ever do that?! I love breakfast foods. Actually I would go as far as to say that "breakfast" is probably my favorite food group! And if you are like our house than you definitely do not have time to get up and make some lavished breakfast for you and your family! So, since early, early mornings are not a possibility, and huge breakfast buffets aren't either... a big ole' breakfast is great to serve for dinner instead! You know, on those nights where you have a bit more time, energy, and your hair is actually brushed and you're wearing a bra! lol
But honestly I just LOVE breakfast foods! Scrambled eggs, sausage links, cinnamon rolls, french toast, waffles, orange juice, donuts, pastries, hash browns... you name it, I LOVE it! (seriously, my mouth is watering right now!) - And the best part about breakfast style foods is that they usually don't take much time to make! I mean they are pretty easy to whip up and you don't even have to remember to pull something out of the freezer in the morning! They are a great, easy, go to meal!
So speaking of all this breakfast!..... last night we were in a crunch so I decided to whip up some french toast and scrambled eggs!
But I didn't just want boring old syrup on my french toast... I had a craving for that blueberry or blackberry sauce that Perkins has! You know what I'm talking about?
Well, I remembered seeing a recipe for a Truffle Cheesecake with a Raspberry Puree over on How Does She? - I still totally have to make this! It looks delish!
Anyways that Raspberry Puree stuck out in my head because I figured you could make it with any kind of fruit! Raspberries, Strawberries, Blueberries, etc.
And that is exactly what I did. I took her recipe, tweaked it a little and came up with my own version of her puree...
Homemade Blueberry Sauce!

All I did was throw a pint of blueberries in my food processor, added about 2/3 Cup of sugar, and a splash of vanilla! (about a teaspoon for those that need or like to measure) That was it!
I poured it into a good ole' mason jar and popped it in the microwave to warm it up.
After it was warm we poured it all over some hot, fresh, french toast!

Mmmmm! It was so stinkin' goooood! I felt like I was eating a treat, not dinner!
Wondering what else you could use this sauce for? Well here is my brainstorm as to what I am planning on doing with my left over batch....
*Pour it on ice cream for a Blueberry Sundae
*Drizzle it over Cheesecake
*Use it on Pancakes or Waffles
Or my favorite idea....
*I think I am gonna try and put it in our little Popsicle molds and make Homemade Fresh Fruit Blueberry Popsicles! I would think they would come out delicious! - I'll let you know if and when I try this!
So there ya' have it!
Whip up this easy Blueberry Sauce and start pouring it over all kinds of breakfast goodies and treats!
My plans for tonight are to take some strawberries that are just about done for and whip them into some Strawberry Sauce! Yum-O!
Chat later,
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