Wow, wow, wow am I exhausted!
This was one of the busiest and craziest weekends to date!
I have pretty much been running non stop since my feet hit the floor on Friday morning!
Let me tell you what I've been doing!
So, Friday night was the "Girls Night Out" at Emmanuel that I talked about.
It was my very first booth as a vendor... EVER! Like, me out there, all on my own, first booth, professional vendor, pimpin' Appleberry's Attic... EVER! - and it was sooo much fun!
Remember this post when I talked about how I felt like "I had arrived?!"
Well having your first ever vendor booth is another one of those moments that makes you feel like... "yeah, that's right! I've arrived!" "I am livin' my dream and lovin' it!!!"
Ok, enough talkin'. Check it out!
Check out my first ever Appleberry's Attic Booth...
It was such a surreal moment, but I enjoyed every minute of it!
And a big thanks to anyone that came out to the event to check out our booth!
Switching gears...
After working all day Saturday at the flooring store, Saturday night we went out with a huge group of friends to celebrate our friend Jamie turning 30!
Yeah 30!
That is a number that I am afraid is going to become quite popular in the years to come! I am at that stage in my life where not many more friends... including myself, have a lot of years left in their twenties!
But who better to go before me and let me know how it feels on the "other side" then my dear old friend James! - no punn intended with the old! lol
Anyways, James is one of the greatest, most loyal friends a girl could ask for and we had such a blast whoopin' it up like we were young again!

Finally, on Sunday we made our delivery to Louise's Basement.
The sale starts this Thursday, March 10th and runs till Sunday.
If you'd like to browse before you shop... check out the Basement Blog... or here are some pics we snapped during the loading process yesterday!

Well, that's it guys!
I am beat, I am tired, and I am feelin' like I need a break!
So that is just what I am going to do!
Sorry to say... but there will be no plans this week, no painting, no crafting, no nothin'!
I am turning off the creative side of my brain in hopes to catch up on some Greys Anatomy, play with my babes, take longer than a 5 minute shower, and quite possibly live on pizza and icecream!
Ohhh, the life!
Hope you enjoy your week too!
Chat later,
Can I ask you where you got the blocks for the words family and believe? Do you have to do anything special to them before you paint them? They are SO cute!!!