Let me just start off by saying... I am in LOVE with the
Gunflint Lodge in Grand Marias, MN!
Gunflint Lodge in Grand Marias, MN!
I feel like I have just come home from a dream... from heaven.
To keep things in perspective... this was mine and Loren's first big trip.
And by big trip I mean, we never went on a honeymoon and have never left our kids for more than one night... kind of big trip!
As parents, most of you know that any extended amount of time away from your children is truly appreciated and in my opinion... truly needed.
So... after being married for five years we thought now was the time to reconnect.
To spend every waking second with each other, laughing, loving, living, and enjoying one another and our surroundings!
But when Loren and I left Thursday afternoon for our Anniversary Weekend, we had no idea just how wonderful our weekend would turn out!
With lots of warm clothes packed and our babes left with family... we hit the road and ventured North... way far North!
...To a wonderful little place called, The Gunflint Lodge...
Even though we were completely secluded from the world... no TV, no cell phone service... our cabin was so romantic and cozy you didn't even miss those things!
... it had just the right amount of "extras" to make you feel like you were living in a dream.
But besides the gorgeous cabin... the view from our front window is what was truly breath taking!
Oh, and do you see that land mass across the water? ... That's CANADA! - I told you we were at the tip top of Minnesota!
Right outside our front door was the most gorgeous and relaxing spot to sit and have coffee!
Of course you had to have on a coat, and some mittens, and maybe even a blanket! But the cold didn't bother us a bit, it was sooo worth it!
We spent most of our days relaxed, bundled up, and completely unaware of time.
When you're on a vacation where there is no kids, no work, and no schedule... you find yourself just floating through the day with out a care in the world.
Oh, and a permanent smile stuck to your face!
One of our vacation days went something like this...
We slept in till 10:00, ate breakfast in our cabin, took a quick shower, then hit the outdoors!
Every morning we would take the short walk to the lodge and grab a cup of coffee and a bag of corn to feed the ducks.
From there we would head out to the dock and spend a good chunk of our morning out there, just enjoying the scenery, enjoying life...
The wildlife up at the Gunflint is just amazing!
Not only did we see dozens and dozens of deer on our way up, but the resort was full of chipmunks, squirrels, birds of all sorts, a couple bald eagles, and my favorite... the ducks!
These little babies would walk right up to you and eat the corn right out of your hand!
They actually came to know me so well that when we would walk out of our cabin and head towards the lodge... they'd start coming out of the water and walking up shore into the parking lot just to see if I had a snack for them!

Needless to say... I fell in love with these little guys and had a hard time saying good bye.

No flash lights, just the pitch black night sky!
Our guide, Jon, took us through the forest and taught us how to howl like the wolves!
It was a little scary, but quite the experience to say the least!
That next day we went back on that very same trail to see what it looked like during the day... and boy was it beautiful!!!
Being surrounded by nature reminds you just how small you truly are.
Everywhere we looked we were engulfed with God's beautiful creations...
After three hours of hiking we finally made it to Look Out Point!
Lots of walking and some steep, steep, hills lead us way up to the top of this cliff!
Look at that view!
Then ending that same day in the same spot....
... watching the sun set, together...
From lazy mornings, long soaks in the hot tub, beyond delicious food at the lodge, and the most breath taking and brightest stars...
I can honestly say that was one of the best weekends of my life!
Not only was I away from work and kids and responsibilities... but I was away with the most perfect man!
I am pretty confident that Loren and I will be making many a trips back to our little slice of heaven...
The Gunflint Lodge.
Chat later,
The Gunflint lodge is a little cabin style resort at the tip top of Minnesota.
It is literally in the middle of no where.
And it is literally... perfect!!!
Even though we were completely secluded from the world... no TV, no cell phone service... our cabin was so romantic and cozy you didn't even miss those things!
... it had just the right amount of "extras" to make you feel like you were living in a dream.
But besides the gorgeous cabin... the view from our front window is what was truly breath taking!
Oh, and do you see that land mass across the water? ... That's CANADA! - I told you we were at the tip top of Minnesota!
Right outside our front door was the most gorgeous and relaxing spot to sit and have coffee!
Of course you had to have on a coat, and some mittens, and maybe even a blanket! But the cold didn't bother us a bit, it was sooo worth it!
We spent most of our days relaxed, bundled up, and completely unaware of time.
When you're on a vacation where there is no kids, no work, and no schedule... you find yourself just floating through the day with out a care in the world.
Oh, and a permanent smile stuck to your face!
One of our vacation days went something like this...
We slept in till 10:00, ate breakfast in our cabin, took a quick shower, then hit the outdoors!
Every morning we would take the short walk to the lodge and grab a cup of coffee and a bag of corn to feed the ducks.
From there we would head out to the dock and spend a good chunk of our morning out there, just enjoying the scenery, enjoying life...
The wildlife up at the Gunflint is just amazing!
Not only did we see dozens and dozens of deer on our way up, but the resort was full of chipmunks, squirrels, birds of all sorts, a couple bald eagles, and my favorite... the ducks!
These little babies would walk right up to you and eat the corn right out of your hand!
They actually came to know me so well that when we would walk out of our cabin and head towards the lodge... they'd start coming out of the water and walking up shore into the parking lot just to see if I had a snack for them!

Needless to say... I fell in love with these little guys and had a hard time saying good bye.

But, besides the amazing scenery and wildlife, The Gunflint Lodge offered daily activities for all the guests to join in on!
Like Craft Hour!
One of the days we got to make Birch and Pine cone Magnets!
Loren and I made one for the babes.
We thought they would serve as the cutest little souvenirs!
We also went on a late night Wolf Howling Hike!No flash lights, just the pitch black night sky!
Our guide, Jon, took us through the forest and taught us how to howl like the wolves!
It was a little scary, but quite the experience to say the least!
That next day we went back on that very same trail to see what it looked like during the day... and boy was it beautiful!!!
Being surrounded by nature reminds you just how small you truly are.
Everywhere we looked we were engulfed with God's beautiful creations...
After three hours of hiking we finally made it to Look Out Point!
Lots of walking and some steep, steep, hills lead us way up to the top of this cliff!
Look at that view!
I think I speak for Loren and I both when I say... we had thee best time!
I can't remember feeling this alive and this refreshed!
Nothing will ever beat starting our mornings together on the dock with a cup of coffee, enjoying the view...
... and each other...Then ending that same day in the same spot....
... watching the sun set, together...
From lazy mornings, long soaks in the hot tub, beyond delicious food at the lodge, and the most breath taking and brightest stars...
I can honestly say that was one of the best weekends of my life!
Not only was I away from work and kids and responsibilities... but I was away with the most perfect man!
I am pretty confident that Loren and I will be making many a trips back to our little slice of heaven...
The Gunflint Lodge.
Chat later,
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