The weekend was full of relaxing, Missouri heat, lemonade, playing outside, ice cream sandwiches, playing games till 2:00 in the morning, catching up with old friends, swimming, and even a quick visit to the town Doctor... Doc Long. - Greta broke out in a head to toe rash the first day we got there! Turns out she had a skin virus called Roseola. After being rubbed down for 3 solid days with 2 different types of cream, she seems to be completely rash free and feelin' better!
Wanna know what an 8 hour car trip looks like with 2 babes, 1 pup, and a husband?! Here it is, the grueling drive, play by play... or should I say, hour by hour......

2 Hours in and Tuck was fussy! I stepped in to drive so Loren could hopefully get some shut eye with the babes.

Hour 3. Tuck finally fell asleep but Loren did not! lol
After leaving MN at 7:00pm and being in the car for 4 hours... we planned to stop and stay in a hotel in Des Moines, IA. It helped break up the trip for the babes.
Here's me "all nat-ur-al" in the hotel at about midnight, exhausted from the drive and my crazy kids. Good Morning!
Here we are packing up and about to leave the hotel! Greta is ready to start the drive and Hour 5! - Tuck would rather jump on the bed! lolFeelin' good! We are almost there!
Ahhhh we made it! The drive was long and tiring... and definitely took a lot out of the babes! But here we are... finally! All smiles and excited to be in MO.
There ya' have it! Eight long hours documented! - Gosh, shame I didn't marry someone closer... but thankful I didn't marry someone who lived it... well, say, Texas?! Now that would have been a long trip!
Here are some other fun pictures from the weekend...

Chat later,
Love the play by two are hilarious! We miss you so!!!
ReplyDeleteLike how I left you an "anonymous" comment??? Jeez...I'm such a blond
ReplyDeleteHaha! Ahhh, gotta love you Penny! - We miss you too!
ReplyDeleteI had a blast playing games till 2 a.m. I always laugh so much. By the way, why are you stalking your fridge? Don't they have laws against that in Minnesota? LOL
ReplyDeleteno baby you can't take 5" in your bum yet but slow, gentle and lots of lube I bet I can get 3" in, going to rub your little clit and finger f--k you too make you feelreal good