the flowers...

And each table had these cute table markers with some little unique thing to know about the bride or groom....
(this gives the menu for Joe's favorite meal!)

And of course... here is my handsome groom of almost 4 years...
We had such a great night! - Thank you Lehman's!
2. Loren and I finally tackled cleaning out our office! For those of you that know us and have had the privilage... I mean nightmare.... of crawling through our office, then you know just how bad it had become!
It seems as though, life with 2 kids and our crazy life and work schedules had really taken over! Before we knew it, the JUNK had piled up!!! It was terrible! We could not find a thing let alone move or function in that room! All things in that room had come to a stop! Which might I add is not a good thing for a family of four living in a small 2000 sq. ft. "Grandma House" like ourselves! We even had cut back a little on webcamming the inlaws because the space had gotten so bad! Poor Greta and Tucker had no room to relax and chat with their Grandma and Grandpa!
Since we are a growing, busy, family we knew we did not have any square footage to spare! Some thing had to change.
So "Operation Office" began....
NOTE: These pictures were actually taken about 2 hours into the project since I had forgot to grab the camera and get a "true" before pic...
Loren truly excited to be spending a whole day cleaning and organizing...
So, between cleaning and sorting, dusting and throwing, moving and measuring, babes and snack times, meltdowns and naptimes.... we FINALLY got it done....
Our second, built in desk. Great for all our crafting, drawing, sewing, etc...
And the babes even have a place to sit and webcam with their Grandma & Grandpa!
Ahhhh, finally some organization and some much needed extra space!
I'd say the weekend was a HUGE SUCCESS?!
Hope yours was too!
Chat later,
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