I am afraid I am gonna have to make this fast, short, and sweet! I only have a small margin of time left before one of the two babes wake up from their naps! Or worse yet... before they both wake up! lol
I just had to post this though!
I just finished this baby gift yesterday afternoon... and thank goodness I did! No more than a couple hours after the gift was totally done did my cousin Alysha go into labor! - I know! Just in the nick of time! - I'm a huge procrastinator.

(Here Alysha is about to "pop!" This picture was taken at her son's 2nd Birthday Party! Landon and his new baby sister will have birthdays just 20 days apart!)
Anyways, I am proud to announce that Ms. Addison Jaclyn Smethurst was born today in the wee wee hours of the morning! ... 12:37 am to be exact! Her and Mom are happy and healthy! I am so excited to go up to the hospital this evening and meet her!
And when I do get to meet Ms. Addison, I will be bringing this adorable gift in hand!!!
Remember this shirt I made for Greta? Well it was so darn cute I had to make one for Addison.

It is a smidge big for her right now. I wanted her to have something she could wear next Spring/Summer. I figured most people will give her stuff to wear now and it will be nice to have a cute little outfit waiting for her as she grows!
And of course no outfit is complete without a huge, cute, flower head band!

And here is my latest creation! Baby bibs...

I have seen a couple different ideas on how to make baby bibs. However, they all seemed so fancy when it came to sewing them right side together, putting in a layer of batting, hand stitching the opening, attaching a snap button, etc!
It was just too much for me and my non-sewing capability. So I totally "dumbed" it down and came up with a bib that was not only easy to make, but super cute as well!
Even though they are not done the "fancy schmansy" way... I am still super happy with them!
I did not do a step by step tutorial because I thought if you girls wanted to make them you could most likely figure this out! - If not, email me and I can help you out!
But it pretty much goes like this...
I took a bib I had from Greta and used it as my pattern. I layed my pattern bib onto some fabric, traced it, and cut it out. I repeated that step on a solid color thicker fabric which served as my backing.
FRONT of the bib...

BACK of the bib...

Then I just layed the two pieces on top of each other and sewed them together!

See... no fancy right side together or turning nothing inside, right side, or whatever side out! lol - I'm trying to learn how to sew! I really really am, trust me!
I was really happy how the two pieces looked just sewn right on top of one another. It made for a very vintage, handmade, look.

Once the bib was together, I just sewed Velcro right on to the top part of each side. Super easy... even for me!

And "Waa-Laa!" Man are they cute!
I made a nice little pack for Addison out of some really great coordinating fabrics.

And here's the best part. As you wash these bibs the edges fray a little and give them an even more handmade look!
I made some awhile back for Tucker and am still happy with how they are wearing and looking.
Again, so cute, so easy!
I can't wait to give them to Addison (and Alysha) tonight. I know she will get tons of good use out of them!
I will make sure to post details and pictures of my first time meeting Addison! Yey!
Can't wait for tonight!
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