Let's see... what have I been up to?
Well we had a long and wonderful Labor Day Weekend! My in laws came into town which was tons of fun! It is always so great to see them playin' and lovin' on their two grand babies! They don't get to see Greta and Tuck too often, so when they do it is a really neat time.
We had a really great time with them here. It was a nice and relaxing weekend. I'll post some pictures from that weekend soon. (maybe tomorrow)

What else... Oh, both of my babes had well check appointments last week with Dr. Sakkal. I took both of them by myself! Ha, I'll never do that again! It is hard work wrangling two kids around a doctors office. We kind of looked like a circus act! Oh well, we all lived to tell about it! But still... I am never going alone again!
Tucker was in the 95% percentile for height and weight! I always knew he was my chunky monkey... but now I have proof! He came in at a whopping 17 lbs. The Dr. said everything looked great. He is a healthy, happy, baby. A little more tummy time is needed and fruits and vegetables can soon be added to his diet of formula and rice cereal! Yay for Tuck! He also had to get two shots that day. He was very sad and very upset. And to be honest with you... I was very sad and upset as well! My poor boy just cried and cried until he fell asleep on the car ride home. He had a small fever all through out the day but was happy and smiley by morning!
I love my little guy!
Greta was in the 75% percentile for height and weight which Dr. Sakkal said was great. She is strong and healthy and came in at 27 lbs.
He asked if she could say 10 words other than "momma" and "dadda"? To which I replied "Ten?! Are you kidding me, Greta probably says 30 or 40 words and she can put 2 or 3 words together to make a little sentence!" I know... proud as a peacock... but I'm her Mom, that's what I'm supposed to do! She is just so smart!
He asked if she was off the bottle, to which I said yes. And he said around the age of two is when we need to slowly start taking away the Nuk and start introducing the potty chair! So Miss G has some big changes coming her way. I hope she does ok with all of that. If she is anything like her Momma she will hate the change and end up throwing a tantrum. - Yes, sometimes I throw a tantrum! Again, just being honest!
She had three shots that day as well and boy was that rough! I had to hold her down the whole time while she was kicking and screaming! It was terrible... I hate doing that! But after some fruit snacks she was fine. Her little legs were quite soar the next morning.
Poor girl.

And good thing you guys are caught up to date because today is actually a REALLY BIG DAY!
Today we are celebrating LOREN'S BIRTHDAY!!!
My wonderful husband turns 28 today!
I think birthdays are a very important day! Not only do you get to celebrate and have a day all about you! But you get to celebrate life and all the wonderful things you have accomplished in your lifetime.
So Loren... if you're reading this... Happy Birthday!
You are kind, genuine, funny, loyal, and just plain wonderful! I am so lucky to call you mine! Today we celebrate you and your life! I hope you look back on your 27th year and remember some really great moments and I pray that your 28th year of life is blessed and full of even better things!
Happy Birthday Honey! I love you!
P.S. - Thanks Loren and Debby for raising an amazing man!
You should be celebrating today as well! :)
Excellent Blog!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Glad you had something to read! ;)