From yesterday's post to today's - I'm just cookin' up a storm aren't I?!
I recently had a friend ask me for this recipe to give to her friend! How cool is that?
Is my potato soup so good that it is causing a ripple effect?! Soon, friends of friends of friends will want it?! No... I will not toot my own horn like that........ (toot!)... ok, it was just a small one! Haha.
So, I got this recipe from a cook book and then tweaked it to how I wanted it! So it is not totally my recipe!
But, here ya go. This is what's for dinner tonight....
Loaded Baked Potato Soup
Serves 6 - 8
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 15-20 minutes
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup flour
7 cups milk
4 cups baked potatoes
(about 5 large potatoes baked, peeled, and cubed)
4-6 green onions (thinly sliced)
8-12 strips of bacon (cooked & crumbled)- I use the bacon that is already done.
2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese
8 oz. of sour cream
Salt & Pepper to taste
1. Melt butter in large stockpot. Add flour and stir until smooth over medium heat.
2. Add milk stirring often until thickened. Be careful not to scorch! - This thickening process can take awhile. Be patient and stir about every minute or two.
3. Add potatoes - (I cube mine and throw them in a pot of boiling water before hand until they are done) and onions and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes stirring often. This brings the whole mixture of the soup together.
4. Remove from heat. Add bacon, sour cream, and cheese. Stir until melted.
5. Add your seasonings and blend thoroughly.
1.Instead of 7 cups of milk, I sometimes will do 4 cups of milk and 3 cups of chicken broth. This helps make it a little more figure friendly.
2.And sometimes if I am in a hurry or running late... I won't even peel the potatoes. I just cube them throw them in a pot to get them done and then add them to the soup.
3. Ya' know, now that I think of it... I bet you could use bacon bits instead of heating or cooking up a whole pack of bacon?! Hmm... if anyone tries that, let me know.
This is how the soup starts, notice the spatula....

This is what it will look like when it thickens. See how it coats the spatula...

And here's what's for dessert tonight...

Apple Cinnamon Bread!
To make this you can just go back to yesterdays post and change it up a bit. Remember the different variations you can use? Well I just minused the zucchini, cloves, and nuts. Then I doubled the cinnamon and raisins and added a whole large apple, diced. Then right before I put it in the oven I made a little cinnamon & sugar mixture and sprinkled it over the top! Yum-O!
I hope you guys will tuck these recipes away in your recipe box! These are great fall and winter meals that will warm anyone up! Plus they make your house smell Oh-so-yummy!