After a great church service we came home, ate a home cooked meal and put the babes down for their naps. While Loren mowed the lawn, I of course did clean up, but then was able to have a small amount of "me" time to do some crafting!
*I can't show you my little ditty's because they are a birthday gift for a friend. However, I will post pictures after she opens them!*
It was such a gorgeous day, that once G woke up from her nap we decided to head to the park and have a picnic! So we loaded up the picnice basket and off we went......

Once we got to the park, Greta of course wanted to swing on the "wee"......

and poor Tuck, he just can't play quite yet! So he hung out in the stroller the whole time......

However, Walter was not going to pass up the chance to play! So he spent most of his time climbing and playing on the jungle gym......

Daddy also got in on the fun and decided there is nothing better than gettin' dirty before you eat supper! So Daddy and Greta got down and dirty in the sand box!
NOTE: Getting sand out of a child's hair is extremely difficult, time consuming, and usually ends with the child crying!
(Don't worry Grandma Debby... after her bath we gave her a snack to cheer her up!)

After everyone was played out and good and hungry, we got the kids back in the stroller and headed over to our favorite picnic spot.
It's not too far from the park but it is nice and secluded. Perfectly hidden from all the parks and paths. I don't know about you, but I think it's pretty perfect......

Once the blanket was laid out, our flip flops were kicked off, and everyone was settled in, we dove in and started eating!
Nothing better than a well balanced meal of PB&J, pretzels, fruit, and a mug of sweet tea!
My hubby's from Missouri which also means my children have a little bit of the south runnin' in their veins! Tea around our house is a must.

Greta, as you can see, was a big fan of the cherries......

and I was a big fan of spending time with my hubby!

I apologize but I couldn't resist posting this one! Hahaha!
*This is what love looks like after 3 years of marriage and 2 kids......

And my sweet little Tuck! :) He just enjoyed his time outside soaking up all the sun.

I would have to say, sitting on a blanket, on a gorgeous Sunday evening, hanging out with my family... life just doesn't get much better than that!

I hope you all had a great weekend and are getting back to the groove of the week!
Sundays verse of the day......
"I have set the Lord ALWAYS before me. Because He is at my right hand.
So cute! -Cassy
ReplyDeleteOkay, I love all of you but Tucker is so flippin' cute in the park pictures, and Walter posing!!! lolol Him & Lucy are due for a play date :-)
ReplyDeleteWalter is in desperate need of some Lucy time! I think I heard him howl yesterday.... "Luuuuuucy!" lol Let's get them together!