There are so many amazing, crafty, talented, genius, and thrifty women out there! Honestly girls, I can't get enough!
So since I love to blog and I love to share... I thought I would combined the 2 into a post. Trust me, after you see some of these ideas you will be completely inspired to try one of them as your own little project! Who knows... you may start stalking these poor women's blogs like I do! *You've been warned! Haha!
NOTE: All of these pictures have been taken from fellow bloggers I like to follow. If by chance you see that I have posted your picture or idea and would prefer I not post about it, please let me know and I will have no problem removing it!
And now...... ENJOY!......
At the top of the list is my all time favorite blogger! She doesn't even know me, but I feel like we are friends! Well, at least kindred spirits! She is the post talented women/blogger I know. Here is a post she did about painting pine furniture. I love the blue color and her "no rules about it" approach to just about ever project she does! Ok, enough said... just go check out her blog... she's a decorating genius!
Here is another post from the Nester herself! In this post she literally gives you a tutorial or the 411 on how to cover windows. Fabric is a must and a great way to add color and texture to any room. I have been so inspired by this window "mis-treatment" post... I think you will be too!
This pot idea really grabbed my eye. They are cute, they are cheap, and they look easy to make. I have already done a small, slightly different, version of these pots with things I had on hand. I will have to take some pics and do a little post on them! But for now... here is where I got my inspiration!

Again, over at 320 Sycamore, Melissa has decided to paint her laundry room. But before she decided, she accumulated some ideas and pictures of some other gals laundry rooms. Go check out this post... I promise you'll be inspired by these ideas. OR... you'll want to change your laundry room, I do!
Check out this neat little magnetic refrigerator board! This is definitely an idea I am going to log away in my brain and do when I find the time!
This framed pear project is just tooooo stinkin' cute and not to mention, easy as pie! I think my kitchen needs a couple of these, don't you?! Maybe with some lemons or apples! Hmmm?!

Over at nannygoat they have come up with such a creative way to store all your favorite recipes! Their post on 30 meals is so fun and clever! Again... yet another idea I am going to have to put in the attic of my brain. One day I will get to this project for sure!

Ohh... and don't forget to check out the tutorial on how to make the refrigerator box to hold all the recipes from the above 30 meals!
Ok, so this is not so much a "project" you can do... but look at this kitchen! I absolutely love the style Layla uses over at The Lettered Cottage. For some reason this kitchen just makes me smile! And the idea for that bench is amazing!!! What do you gals think of all her pretties?!

And last but not least I would like to give a shout out to my real life friend... Liz! She found this tutorial on how to make an apron out of a pillowcase. She made one herself and it turned out great! Check out her page... she has the link that will get you right over to that tutorial!
Well girls.... I have a million more ideas and things I have found out in blog land but I only have so much time to dream! Like I said earlier... I will just have to store all these ideas in the attic of my brain and reference back to them when I have the time, the resources, and the kids aren't hanging on me!
I hope you all enjoyed all these little snid-bits and are super inspired to make any of these or even some of your own creations! Really, just dive in and make something that makes you smile, it's totally worth it!
Okay, funny you mentioned the 30-meal thing, I made my 30 meal hopefuls list last week, but that's as far as I've gotten. Such a great idea. AND, now I need to re-do my laundry/utility room. There's no way it's ever going to look like those ones! Ugh, blogs are addicting, you are correct!!