Wow, it's been a week since I blogged last! Is anyone still out there? Do I have any readers left?! You must really like me and my kiddo's to keep coming back to read about our crafting, chaotic life! - Good for you and thanks!
So like the post says... I've been busy! Busy as a little bee I tell ya!
FIRST: I got a part time job! Yes, the exclamation mark is needed. I'm pretty excited! This whole endeavor started... hmm lets see... back on April 23rd! :) After having a second baby we quickly learned that our budget was tight. And when I say tight, I mean no eating out after church on Sunday, I can't afford a haircut, better box die my hair, and rent from the Redbox, kind of tight! So we knew we could survive but all our luxuries were stripped away and the future looked pretty bleak... and so did my hair!
So my wonderful, hard working hubby started the search for a part time job. After 2 months, 2 interviews, and a couple hopeful call backs... he still had nothing! So, that's when it hit me... as a female I could probably apply for a whole different field of jobs?! So I hit it full force! I jumped on Craigslist, (my favorite site) searched the part time job category, and there it was... the perfect part time job!
I called, we set up a time to meet, she interviewed me and 1 other girl, I must have been "cooler" because I got the job! - Go me!
And there ya have it. I am now the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) for a 34 year quadriplegic woman named Tara... and boy am I pumped! I will be helping her with every day things like getting ready, running errands, making her meals, and hanging out! If you're a believer like myself I would call this "divine appointment!" Just when we had lost hope and just about all our extra money... God came through, like He always does. The hours are perfect and the pay is just what we needed. Plus, Loren will not be losing any of his already limited time with our babies. It's a win win.
Thank you God for always being so good to me. Talk about faithful!
SECOND: I have been crazy busy stalking fellow bloggers! I know, I know, insert your joke or comment here. But I can't help it. I am so inspired and motivated by these other women's projects, planning, and parenting. I just needed a week or so to soak it all in.
I have started an idea folder. - A 3 ring binder that is broken down into different categories. - Then when I see a project I'd like to try or a kitchen that inspires me, I just print off the picture and file it in my folder! The attic in my brain is just to full of other things... like what we're low on in the fridge or all those catchy
Backyardigans tunes I have to sing to Greta!
I am working on accumulating my
30 meals which is actually harder than I thought. Or maybe I am just feeling like the recipes I have are sad and boring?!
Speaking of that, my friend Chelsey is trying to organize a recipe night. A night where everyone brings a dessert, appetizer, dip, main meal, etc. and then shares the recipe. I am really looking forward to this night and hoping it will get me out of my "recipe rut!" However for all you other girls who read my blog... feel free to leave a favorite recipe of your families in my comment section. IF everyone who stops by to read this post does that, we could all grab a couple quality recipes... just an idea! :)
AND THIRD:Mr. Appleberry and I have been working on painting and refinishing a little Craigslist find of mine! Have I told you how much I LOVE Craigslist?!
I was scrolling around the furniture section when I came across this gorgeous maple coffee table for 15 DOLLARS!!! I could hardly believe my eyes!
The legs were beautiful, the body was solid, and the corners weren't sharp... which would inevitably prevent one of my children from falling into it and needing stitches. She was perfect! So I sent Loren over in the truck to pick her up and bring her home!
We've sanded and painted her, now were' just waiting for the paint to cure so we can sand and rough her up a bit. Then a couple coats of poly and she should be finished. But for now... here is a taste of what she looked like when we brought her home....

I will post some more pictures of this coffee table once we officially get it done.
I've also been doing some little crafty projects, but again, they are birthday presents for a friend and I will post a couple of these cute ideas once she opens them!
So what do you think? Add this on top of laundry, work, dinners, cleaning, and kids.... I've been pretty busy!
Hope you liked getting caught up on our life. I have some things coming up and others in the works, so I should be posting more!
Hope you're having a great week!
~ And don't forget to share a recipe if you think of it!