Sorry I haven't posted in about a week. I go in spurts with my blogging. But like usual... I have a good excuse! :)
Both of my poor babies have been sick for the last 3 going on 4 days! Which means for the last 3 going on 4 days... I have not had a good nights sleep. Either because one of the babies is in our bed or one of the babies woke up coughing, crying, and needs some love, or because I am just up nervously thinking one of my babes has the swine flu! Ok... they don't have the swine flu... my husband has told me a million times to calm down and stop overreacting! And he is right! He is always right! (see honey, I can admit it!) He is the calm, sane one, in the house right now and he keeps telling me the kids just have a cold. And like I said, he is right. Just a cough, runny nose, and some fevers.
But here's looking up! Both babes seem to be feeling better today... a little... so hopefully this means they are on the road to recovery!
Anyways, late last week I finished Greta's Halloween Tutu!
She is going to be a cat this year but I didn't just want her to be a boring old black cat. So.... we decided to dress it up a bit!!! She is going to be a beautifully, sassy, girl kitty!
I found this tutorial from Tea Rose Home and decided I wanted to make a Tutu for Greta. Since Halloween was right around the corner... I went with a smaller version in black! Perfect for her little kitty costume!
Here was Greta trying it on....

She would not sit still to try on her other stuff, so just the Tutu it was!

And I could hardly get her to step away from her Barbie movie so I could try it on her! Oh well, it turned out super cute and looks perfect on her!

I can't wait to see her all dressed up as a kitty and ready to go Trick or Treating!
Don't worry... I'll post pictures of her dressed in her full costume come Halloween!
She's going to be the cutest little sassy kitty in town! :) I hope the kiddies feel better SOON!