Last night the Minnesota Twins became the AL Central Champions! After a back and forth, tie breaker game... the Twins beat the Tigers for the win.
It was an amazing game that went 12 innings long!
Towards the end of the game, when it got into the nail biting plays... we were jumping up off the couch and screaming!
Greta and Tuck were a little startled at first, but in no time, Greta quickly got into it!
She was all excited! ... we had her jumping up and down, screaming right along with us!
We started saying: "Go Twins!"
And my sweet little Greta chimes in: "Too Tins!"
It's teeny tiny moments like that - that make me LOVE being her momma even more! :)

Lol - love the pic of her! Andy was moving his arm like pulling a train whistle and saying get on the Twins Train and Evelyn had both of her arms doing the "Twins Train" motions. Aaah, they are so cute and more loveable every day!