Remember this post where I made Blueberry Sauce? Well I said I was going to try my hand at Strawberry Sauce and see how that turned out! Well I tried it and it is deee-lish!
I followed the same recipe in the blueberry post.....
1 pint of Strawberries
2/3 C. of Sugar
1 tsp. Almond extract (instead of vanilla)
- something about almond goes better with strawberries than vanilla, but if vanilla is all you have that will work fine as well!
And that's it girls. Just whip all that together in your blender or food processor and vio-la!
This should last about 2 weeks in your refrigerator.
Stir it into plain vanilla yogurt or grab some pound cake, angel food cake, a waffle, or a bowl of ice cream and pour away!
This was our choice last night! Yum-O!!!
It seems to be a pretty big hit around our house! Hope it will be a hit at yours as well!
Chat later,
Looking for something else to do with those strawberries that you didn't eat fast enough and are about to go bad?
Check out this recipe for Strawberry Freezer Jam. Super easy!
You should post a "pin it" button on your site! Very cute and great recipes!