Last week a very special little girl turned one!
Ms. Paisley Jayne Petersen...
Paisley was born last January 23rd of 2011.
She is my adorable, sweet, cuddly, and gorgeous niece!
Since her Mommy is my younger sister and nanny to my babes... I get to see Paisley a ton!
- and it is such a blessing!
Sometimes, well most times, you can catch me saying something like "Paisley, come to Momma." or "Paisley, Momma's coming." It is just second nature to act and be like her Mom!
I guess it just means our bond is really strong. :)
So last week when she turned a whole year old I was over the moon excited to be apart of such a special event!
And if you know our family it is no secret that we love to throw over the top, super gorgeous, themed birthday parties!
... like this one, this one, or this one!!!
... like this one, this one, or this one!!!
So when my sister Jes set out to accomplish a
Paisley's Pretty in Pink Birthday Party I knew she would do a fantastic job... and she did!
Paisley's Pretty in Pink Birthday Party I knew she would do a fantastic job... and she did!
Take for example, when we walked into the door. All the little kids were greeted with a flower clip for the girls or a clip on tie for the boys...
All handmade by Jes!
Then when you turned the corner you were surrounded by pink, pink, and more pink!
Pink banners, pink decorations, pink flowers, and my personal favorite...
the ceiling full of pink Pom Poms!
From the dinner buffet...
lined with soups and sandwiches...
To the dessert buffet...
of cotton candy, cheesecake, brownie bites, and cake balls...
Everything was perfectly planned out to add that unique and personal touch!
I can say first hand that the birthday girl had a wonderful party and really enjoyed her cake... well at least the frosting!
So way to go Jes!
The party was beautiful!
And Ms. Paisley,
Well I can't believe you're already ONE!
This last year of watching you grow and change has been such a blessing to me.
You are sweet and talkative and perfect!
I have loved every second of having you in my life.
I can't wait to see you grow and become the little girl God has destined for you to be.
Chat later,
Want more Paisley?!
Check out this post where we got to find out if Paisley was going to be a boy or a girl!
Or this post from the day Paisley was born!