Saturday, October 17, 2009

Recent Discoveries

1. I love this lady and saw that she does something like this on her blog. So I kinda copied her and decided I would like to give this "Recent Discoveries" idea a try!
(I do like to give credit where credit is due.)
It is a great generic title for any post that involves random but important things... and it is great for keeping people updated! So you can look forward to more posts titled this way. One day I'll look back and have a whole pile of posts labeled "Recent Discoveries" with all the wonderful randomness of our lives!
2. My daughter is a genius! No, seriously! She is not even two years old and she can Count to Ten! Now of course she needs to be prompted a little and for some reason she gets stuck on the number 8... but none the less... Greta can count! "One, Tooo, Teee, Fo." - It is so cute.
3. I can't believe I am actually gonna post this live on the web... but yes it is true...
Recent Discovery #3... my husband is actually quite wise!
Does he remember his cell phone when he leaves the house... NO!
Does he always say the right things... NO!
Does he remember all measly four items on a list... NO!
Does he even remember the list... NO!!!
However I am seeing a change in him that is so wonderful and honestly, very admiring. Ever since we got really involved and connected with our church, Eagle Brook... I have seen small changes in Loren. He really listens to a problem and tries to handle it diplomatically, he holds his tongue before making a rude or hurtful comment, he loves me and calms me down with out making me feel completely foolish (although I can be), he just really looks out for the good of others... and tries to see things through the Lord's eyes.
After knowing I had an extremely tiring and frustrating day with the kids yesterday... Loren walked in the door, came straight to me, wrapped me in a hug, and said....
"Someday you won't remember today."
And for some reason, it just really touched me. I can't tell you how much I admire and look up to my husband. I can only hope our kids turn out a lot like their Daddy.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Broken Camera = Things on a Small Hold!

I find myself catching up a lot on here!

First things first, my stinkin' camera is broken! Baaa! - That is the noise of me not happy!
But don't fret... I have a 3 year extended plan and so they will be fixing it and sending me a new one! So until then... we wait! Bummer.
If it is not here by Halloween I will definitely be borrowing someones camera for trick or treating pictures.
I already missed pictures at the Pumpkin Patch! Baaa again! I just need my camera fixed, I feel weird with out it, like I'm gonna miss some big shot or event at any moment.

On to other news... I think both babes are FINALLY on the way to recovery. You might remember me saying they were sick last week, which they were. Then all of a sudden out of no where... the fevers came back!
So we took them both to the doctor and it seems that they only have a viral infection... no flu of any sorts. So I guess that's good news.

And then my last bit of updatey type news....

We are having our very first
professional family photo shoot!
Ahhhh, I am so excited I can hardly contain myself!!!
Through a line of referrals we found an amazing photographer named Jessica Smith. If you want to see how amazing she is, go check out her website here. I have only talked with her on the phone but I know I already love her! She is also doing my sisters wedding! Lucky Ducks!
I know she will do a fantastic job!
But for us we are going to have a nice, cozy, little shoot of just the fam. Finally, some really great, candid pictures of me, my babes, and my wonderful little family! Couldn't ask for anything better!
Hopefully the weather works in our favor and my sassy, independent, Greta cooperates with the photographer! - I'll keep you posted and let you know how the shoot goes!

So go check out her website... and if you're bored... I found another little ditty you might want to check out!
In the mood for baking? Hungry for some super yummy cupcakes? I know after I saw this page I was! Martha Stewart's Favorite Cupcakes!

I might have to whip up a batch of the peanut butter and jelly ones for Loren tonight! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~ Greta Says ~

- photo taken by Jamie Lehman -

Last night the Minnesota Twins became the AL Central Champions! After a back and forth, tie breaker game... the Twins beat the Tigers for the win.
It was an amazing game that went 12 innings long!

Towards the end of the game, when it got into the nail biting plays... we were jumping up off the couch and screaming!
Greta and Tuck were a little startled at first, but in no time, Greta quickly got into it!

She was all excited! ... we had her jumping up and down, screaming right along with us!

We started saying: "Go Twins!"
And my sweet little Greta chimes in: "Too Tins!"

It's teeny tiny moments like that - that make me LOVE being her momma even more! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

~ Halloween Tutu ~

Sorry I haven't posted in about a week. I go in spurts with my blogging. But like usual... I have a good excuse! :)

Both of my poor babies have been sick for the last 3 going on 4 days! Which means for the last 3 going on 4 days... I have not had a good nights sleep. Either because one of the babies is in our bed or one of the babies woke up coughing, crying, and needs some love, or because I am just up nervously thinking one of my babes has the swine flu! Ok... they don't have the swine flu... my husband has told me a million times to calm down and stop overreacting! And he is right! He is always right! (see honey, I can admit it!) He is the calm, sane one, in the house right now and he keeps telling me the kids just have a cold. And like I said, he is right. Just a cough, runny nose, and some fevers.
But here's looking up! Both babes seem to be feeling better today... a little... so hopefully this means they are on the road to recovery!

Anyways, late last week I finished Greta's Halloween Tutu!
She is going to be a cat this year but I didn't just want her to be a boring old black cat. So.... we decided to dress it up a bit!!! She is going to be a beautifully, sassy, girl kitty!
I found this tutorial from Tea Rose Home and decided I wanted to make a Tutu for Greta. Since Halloween was right around the corner... I went with a smaller version in black! Perfect for her little kitty costume!

Here was Greta trying it on....

She would not sit still to try on her other stuff, so just the Tutu it was!

And I could hardly get her to step away from her Barbie movie so I could try it on her! Oh well, it turned out super cute and looks perfect on her!

I can't wait to see her all dressed up as a kitty and ready to go Trick or Treating!
Don't worry... I'll post pictures of her dressed in her full costume come Halloween!
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